PlayStation Plus games for September include a ton of Overcooked for PS5

PlayStation Plus games for September include a ton of Overcooked for PS5

After waiting until the 11th hour to try to to so, today Sony finally revealed the free PlayStation Plus games for September. Typically, we’d get announcements like this before a replacement month begins, but Sony took its sweet time in announcing the free PS Plus games this point around. Of course, if you’ve been following the news, you’re already conversant in this lineup, too.

Yes, it seems the leaks that exposed September’s PlayStation Plus games were right the cash, so although Sony waited longer than usual to reveal them, many of us already knew what they were days ago. In any case, Sony today confirmed that Overcooked: All you’ll Eat! will be September’s free game for PlayStation 5, which may be a compilation that has all of the content from Overcooked, Overcooked 2, and their DLCs.

The compilation supports both local and online play, though, in fact, you’ll need a PlayStation Plus subscription to play online (something that shouldn’t be a drag if you’re claiming this game for free). It also features an assist mode alongside several accessibility options that allow more people to play.

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On PlayStation 4, we’ll see Predator: Hunting Grounds and Hitman 2 offered free of charge. While Hitman 2 needs little introduction, Predator: Hunting Grounds is an asymmetrical shooter that features a team of 4 human characters taking over one other person playing because of the Predator. That team of 4 will need to complete certain objectives before the Predator hunts them down and takes them out.

As is typically the case, the 2 PlayStation 4 games are playable on PS5 also, so those that own Sony’s latest console get to say three games next month. These three games will be available to PlayStation Plus members from September 7th through October 4th, which suggests that PS Plus users have until September 6th to say August’s free games.

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