No Way Home Poster Created In Spider-Man Remastered Photo Mode

No Way Home Poster Created In Spider-Man Remastered Photo Mode

A player-created a Spider-Man: No Way Home poster using the impressive Photo Mode tools in Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered.

Aside from the logo, Marvel Studios has yet to release a poster for Spider-Man: No Way Home, which one Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered player fixed using the game’s Photo Mode. The Photo Mode in Spider-Man PS4 was quite impressive when it first came out, with standard features like filter options, time of day settings, poses, and selfies. Insomniac Games added emojis and stickers to give the mode a little more personality.

Miles Morales’ Spider-Man upped the ante in a few key ways, particularly with the addition of adjustable light sources. With the help of spheres and spotlight tools, players can add three different light sources to any shot. These same tools made their way into the remastered version of Marvel’s Spider-Man on PlayStation 5, much to the delight of many a video game photographer. Naturally, fans continue to find new ways to take advantage of everything Photo Mode has to offer.

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Fergi21, a Twitter user and artist, recently posted a piece of art created in Spider-Man Remastered’s Photo Mode. But this isn’t just any picture of the web-crawler. In the absence of an official poster from Marvel Studios and Sony, Fergi21 designed the image specifically for Spider-Man: No Way Home, creating an impressive-looking sign. The Photo Mode-designed poster was so impressive that developer Insomniac Games noticed and retweeted the artist’s social media post. Take a look at the following tweet:

What makes the fan-made photo unique is that it incorporates more than one Spider-Man suit from the game. Rather, the artist spliced together an image based on Miles Morales’ and actors Tobey Maquire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland’s outfits, which is appropriate given Spider-Man: No Way Home’s multiverse premise.

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SPIDER-MAN Remastered for PS5 players who purchased the Ultimate Edition was released in November alongside Spider-Man: Miles Morales. PS5 owners were fortunate enough to be able to buy the remastered title separately in December. It’s impossible to overstate the success of Insomniac’s Marvel games. The Spider-Man PS4 has sold over 20 million copies around the world. Miles Morales had sold an impressive 6.5 million copies across PS4 and PS5 as of July 2021. The excitement surrounding Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 suggests that by 2023, PlayStation Studios and Insomniac Games will have yet another smash hit on their hands.

On PS5, Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered is now available to play.

Source: Fergi21/Twitter via Insomniac Games/Twitter