Microsoft Patents AR Glasses That Can Spot Objects Through Fog


When it might be a futuristic method to walk throughout foggy days, the tech’s consequences go considerably farther than that.

While the public has not entirely embraced augmented reality (AR) eyeglasses, it has not stopped technology firms out of dreaming up new ways to allow them to get the job done. Now, Microsoft has thrown its hat into the ring with a few AR eyeglasses which can “see” items through dust and fog.

How Microsoft’s AR Glasses Could Function

Autoevolution initially discovered the patent. You may read it for yourself on the United States Patent and Trademark Office since it moves into a great deal of detail concerning how these glasses will get the job done. They will sport useful features like additional information over famous monuments along with real-time picture correction.

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But one remarkable figure stands outside. Figure 12 shows how the eyeglasses can see through fog, dust, and smoke by understanding what is before them. The patent refers to the technologies as a “black silicon image sensor” employed for night-vision technology.

The black silicon will, in concept, assess what is away from the viewer’s vision range and pick any barriers which are in the way. The AR eyeglasses would then fill in the blanks, so the viewer knows what’s before them.

While this patent is for AR eyeglasses, there is nothing to prevent this tech from visiting other surroundings. For example, a car may use it at a heads-up screen to warn drivers of some incoming obstacles.

The Implications of Microsoft AR for The Other Products

This might seem to be a one-shot product that will butt heads with rivals such as Google Glass. But a recent development in Microsoft might tip us off as to exactly what the business wants to utilize this tech for.

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Remember how we mentioned that this tech is ideal for automobiles? Things get more interesting once you understand that Microsoft spent $2 billion in smart automobiles and deployed its Azure support to electricity self-driving cars.

Consequently, this might be part of Microsoft’s push to the automotive sector. When it is not utilized in a self-driving automobile to allow it to see in dangerous circumstances, it might be given to motorists or used on the heads-up screen to help a guide-driver instead.

Therefore, we might not only observe this exciting technology in a set of eyeglasses. We will have to wait and see whether the automobiles of the future will use this technician to cut through the fog and show you exactly what’s on the horizon.

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Microsoft AR: More Than Just a Novelty?

While eyeglasses that can “see” through smoke can appear to be a novel notion, this technology could be put into place in possibly life-saving scenarios. Because it is only a patent, we will have to wait to find out whether the software giant intends to proceed with its black acoustic sensor technician.

Did you realize you could grab night-vision technologies for driving at this time? We did a breakdown of this Lanmodo Vast NVS that claims to be an inexpensive way to remain secure as you are on the streets at night.