How to Enable Windows Defender Secret Crapware Blocker

How to Enable Windows Defender Secret Crapware Blocker

Here we can see, “How to Enable Windows Defender Secret Crapware Blocker”

Windows 10’s antivirus does an honest job overall, but it lets crapware through. A hidden setting intended for organizations will boost Windows Defender’s security, making it block adware, potentially unwanted programs, PUPs, or whatever you would like to call this junk.

Update: Windows Defender gets out of the way and stops running once you install a third-party antivirus, so this command won’t work if you’ve installed another antivirus. Your primary antivirus is liable for blocking crapware and other bad things.

Why You Should Block This Junk

Crapware is usually bundled with free software downloads. It’s not technically malware, but it often shows advertisements, tracks your browsing, slows down your PC, and is simply the type of thing you don’t want on your computer.

This type of software includes browser toolbars, weather programs, and assistants like Bonzi Buddy. PC optimization tools that claim your PC is slow or vulnerable and need money to repair the matter are common.

Malwarebytes and many other antimalware programs even have a setting that blocks these “potentially unwanted programs,” which are called “malware with a legal team.” Windows Defender can block this garbage, too. But it doesn’t block this software by default.

How to Enable the Crapware Blocker

  • You can enable this setting from a Windows PowerShell prompt with administrator permissions. Right-click the beginning button or press Windows+X and click on “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” to open one.
  • Copy and paste (or type) the subsequent command at the prompt, then press Enter:
  • The crapware blocker is now enabled. If you would like to disable it in the future, just run the above command again, replacing the “1” with a “0”.
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How to Check if the Crapware Blocker is Enabled

  • You can check if the crapware blocker is enabled on a PC by running the subsequent two commands at a PowerShell prompt. Copy and paste (or type) the commands separately and press Enter after each:
  • If you see a “1,” the blocker is enabled. If you see a “0,” it’s disabled.

Crapware Blocking in Action

We tested Windows Defender’s crapware blocker to ascertain how well it worked. With the default Windows settings—in other words, without the crapware blocker enabled—we downloaded the ImgBurn installer and ran it. ImgBurn’s installer contains “InstallCore,” a bundled software that will attempt to sneak additional software onto your PC as you click through the installer.

When we ran the installer, ImgBurn tried to put in McAfee WebAdvisor. This sounds safe enough—although you don’t need browser extensions like this to guard you and such extensions often spy on you—you never know exactly what offers are getting to appear.

You’re safe if you don’t prefer to install this software, but this is often only one of the various screens you click through while installing this program. Worse yet, the confirmation box is checked by default. The software developer is relying on you only blindly clicking the “Next” button. In some cases, the developer is even sneakier, and you’ll need to seek out a touch “Skip” link rather than clicking “Next.”

Windows Defender quarantined the downloaded installer with the crapware blocker enabled and classified it as “potentially unwanted software.” Specifically, Windows Defender calls it a PUA or a potentially unwanted application.

You can see the history of blocked threats on your PC at Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Open Windows Defender Security Center > Virus & Threat Protection > Threat History. Click “See Full History” under Quarantined Threats.

Windows Defender didn’t block every PUP we hoped it might. For instance, Windows Defender allows us to download and run PC Optimizer Pro, a PUP that Malwarebytes Premium blocked from running. This setting makes Windows Defender more aggressive, but Microsoft remains more cautious about blocking crapware than Malwarebytes.

In other words, Malwarebytes remains a far better solution that will stop more crapware than Windows Defender will.

It’s still worth flipping this switch and making Windows Defender more aggressive. After all, Windows Defender is free and included with every Windows 10 PC. We wish Microsoft were more aggressive about blocking this almost certainly unwanted software.

If you’ve got special Antivirus software protecting your computer, Windows Defender is going to be turned off within the security centre. Once Windows Defender is turned back on, re-run the Powershell command again and check to ascertain if it had been activated.

In this article, we’ll teach you ways to use and enable the crapware and bloatware blocker in Windows Defender. But first, we’ll explain the difference between the 2 words.

What is Crapware and Bloatware

The word crapware (crap = garbage) defines those programs installed on your computer once you install other software.

They are usually included in free programs, and although it’s not malware intrinsically, it isn’t very pleasant for a program to put itself on your computer without your consent. Windows Defender can protect you against this.

On the opposite hand, bloatware (bloat = inflate) are those applications that the manufacturer includes by default within the OS that generally aren’t used and take up space for storing to “inflate” the memory. Crapware is usually wont to ask bloatware in a derogatory way because it is taken into account junk.

How to enable Crapware blocker in Windows Defender

Knowing what we mean once we mention crapware and bloatware, it’s time to point out your ways to defend yourself against the previous.

To enable this hidden Windows Defender function, you want to use the PowerShell console, so we recommend you take care, as an incorrect command could damage the system. With this clear, follow these steps:

  1. Search for PowerShell within the search bar and run it with administrator permissions. Next, a window with a blue background will appear. This is to differentiate it from the command console (CMD).
  2. To activate the crapware blocker, type the subsequent command: “Set-MpPreference -PUAProtection 1”. Then press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

From then on, you’ll have Windows Defender’s hidden feature enabled to dam crapware. If you would like to disable this feature, write an equivalent command replacing the “1” with a “0”.

On the opposite hand, if you would like to understand if this protection is enabled on your computer, run the subsequent command within the same PowerShell console:

  • “$ Preferences = Get-MpPreference”.
  • Press “Enter” then execute this other command: “$ Preferences.PUAProtection”.

If you get a “1”, it’s because the function is enabled. Conversely, a “0” indicates that it’s disabled. It should be noted that you won’t notice that the function is functioning until it detects crapware, so it’ll not add any application to the taskbar or anything like that.

We recommend downloading and installing the Windows Defender extension in Chrome if you want to increase your protection.

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How to fix error when trying to enable Windows Defender’s Crapware blocker

When trying to activate this feature on some devices, you’ll get an activation error. This happens because your PC or laptop doesn’t have this feature. It’s nearly always thanks to the version of Windows (usually the Lite or modified versions remove it), or the update that has this feature isn’t installed.

In the first case, you ought to change your system to a version compatible with the Windows Defender crapware blocker. If you can’t make the change, the sole option left is to download an antivirus that has this sort of protection. To try to do this, you’ll see our list of the simplest free and paid antivirus for PC.

In the second case, you only need to download the update in question, and that’s it. This feature was included within the Summer 2018 update. If you can’t download it, we recommend installing the Windows 10 Update Wizard.

How to remove bloatware in Windows

Since bloatware comes pre-installed on your computer, the sole thanks to getting prevent it’s to uninstall it manually. In most cases, you only got to look for the unwanted application within the Windows search bar, right-click thereon and choose the “Uninstall” option. So you’ll remove those pre-installed games, like Minecraft or CandyCrush.

However, some Windows system applications (e.g. Groove Music) also are considered bloatware. These can’t be removed within the traditional way. Rather, you’ll need to use the PowerShell console and delete them supported by their codename. To try to do this, do the following:

  1. In PowerShell, run this command: “Get-AppxPackage program name | Remove-AppxPackage ».
  2. Replace “program name” with the keycode of the appliance in question. This is often not an equivalent name that appears within the start menu, so you’ll need to search online for it. A number of them are:
  • Groove Music: zunemusic
  • Movies and TV: zunevideo
  • News: bingnews

If the above method didn’t work for you, here you’ll learn another procedure to uninstall Groove Music from Windows 10, also as other bloatware apps.

Now that you have simply the skills to use and enable the Crapware and Bloatware blocker in Windows Defender, you’ll avoid those annoying junk programs. Additionally, your computer will have extra space. We hope we’ve helped you.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below. 

User Questions:

  1. How do I unblock a game in Windows Defender?

Locate the appliance you’re trying to run, right-click it, and choose Properties from the menu. You ought to see the Unblock option at the rock bottom of the Properties window. Check the Unblock option and click on Apply, and okay to save changes.

  1. Can I trust Windows Defender?

Windows Defender offers decent cybersecurity protection, but it’s nowhere near nearly as good as most premium antivirus software. If you’re trying to find basic cybersecurity protection, then Microsoft’s Windows Defender is okay.

  1. Do I want another antivirus with Windows Defender?

Windows Defender scans a user’s email, internet browser, cloud, and apps for the above cyber threats. However, Windows Defender lacks endpoint protection and response, also as automated investigation and remediation, so more antivirus software is important.

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