Google video reveals Android 11 will likely launch on September 8th


Android 10 started last 10, rolling out on September 3rd, in keeping with Google deadline, the 8th will be.

Android 11 includes a variety of enhancements, including revamped alarms, which give messaging programs their very own” conversations section” The upgrade also adds native display recording and”bubbles” that sit on top of other programs that easily allow you to return to a conversation. Media controls in settings are redesigned. The menu which appears when you hold down the power button does lots of items, as I mentioned previously.

The upcoming major upgrade to Google’s mobile operating system, android 11, is likely to start rolling out on September 8th. According to the sharp eyes in Android Police, the date has been shown at a slide in a movie for the organization’s”Hey Google” Smart Home Summit.

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At around the 18-minute mark, you can view”checklist for September 8th Android 11 launching” at the peak of the slide. Google’s Michele Turner states”We are starting anyplace on September 8th” when speaking about the newest Android 11 electricity menu which provides easier access to intelligent house controllers and toggles.