How to: Fix Bittorrent Not Working With Vpn

How to: Fix Bittorrent Not Working With Vpn

Here we can see, “How to: Fix Bittorrent Not Working With Vpn”

  • Torrenting and VPN use are marriages made in heaven, although these services may occasionally have trouble with the operation.
  • BitTorrent, for example, may or may not be compatible with your VPN. Check out our tutorial below to learn how to fix it if this happens.

It’s well accepted that torrenting and VPNs go hand in hand; therefore, one of the two fails to function properly.

For example, you might run into a BitTorrent not functioning with a VPN problem, which is enough to knock the wind out of your sails.

Don’t worry, internet explorer; we’ve got you covered.

Our quick but comprehensive instruction should help you troubleshoot the problem and get your torrent-VPN setup in no time.

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How can I fix BitTorrent not working with VPN?

1. Reliable VPNs

    1. Purchase a VPN membership.
    2. Install the VPN client after downloading it.
    3. Start the VPN.
    4. Please login to your account.
    5. Connect to a peer-to-peer or torrenting server.
    6. Start BitTorrent

Although it is a frequent assumption that all VPNs perform the same functions and provide the same level of security, this is not the case in reality.

With this in mind, you should only use VPN providers that have been thoroughly tested and have sworn no-logging vows to their users.

2. P2P/torrenting servers

Before you commit to a long-term VPN service, think about its P2P/torrenting capabilities.

Although many providers offer network-wide P2P support, torrenting is frowned upon and blocked by some.

A subset of providers specialises in P2P/torrenting-optimized servers between the two.

If your VPN supports such servers, you should connect to them immediately if you want to engage in P2P activity.

Otherwise, your torrenting client (such as BitTorrent) may not be compatible with your VPN.

3. Stealth VPN

Our ISPs can be too smart for our own good and start blocking specific sorts of data. Yes, VPN traffic is included.

On the other hand, some VPN providers have an ace up their sleeves that they’re happy to share with us: disguised traffic.

VPNs with obfuscation capabilities disguise VPN communication as normal traffic.

Even if you’re using BitTorrent, your ISP won’t be able to detect or ban your VPN connection.

4. Flush your DNS

    1. Start CMD on your Windows computer.
    2. Type the commands below:
        • ipconfig /flushdns
        • ipconfig /registerdns
        • ipconfig /release
        • ipconfig /renew
        • netsh winsock reset
    3. Restart your computer.

Due to cached data build-ups, many internet services and apps, such as BitTorrent, may experience issues.

Simple activities like flushing the DNS and restarting your Winsock can solve the problem in a flash.

It’s worth noting that after running the last command, you’ll need to restart your computer.

Otherwise, your BitTorrent can still be incompatible with your VPN.

5. Disable IPv6

Even though IPv6 is supposed to open new doors for us, some systems still do not support it properly.

In some circumstances, disabling IPv6 support on your device prevents data leaks while using a VPN.

With that in mind, if your PC has IPv6 enabled and your BitTorrent isn’t working with a VPN, try deactivating IPv6.

Your VPN could be leaking IPv6 traffic, which your ISP could use to impose restrictions.

6. Other suggestions

    • Start your computer again.
    • Install the BitTorrent client again.
    • Configure your VPN to use SOCKS5 or Shadowsocks.
    • Ensure that your VPN is up to date.
    • Restart your router and/or modem if necessary.
    • Enable the kill switch on your VPN.
    • Select another VPN server.
    • Your BitTorrent client should be updated.
    • Examine and adjust firewall/antivirus/antimalware rules as needed.

It is not the end of the world if BitTorrent does not operate with your VPN.

The explanation could be more evident than you think, so we recommend that you try each of our strategies until you find one that works for you.

However, our recommendations may not always be effective. If this happens, contact your VPN provider immediately and request a correction.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.

User Questions

1. Why does BitTorrent refuse to connect to a VPN?

ISPs have devised methods for determining whether or not a user is connected to a VPN. It is fairly uncommon for them to ban any VPN connections. While connected to a VPN, your torrent will not download if this happens.

2. How can I make my VPN work with BitTorrent?

What Is The Best Way To Use A VPN With BitTorrent? Install VPN software on your computer, create a VPN client, start your download, and connect to the server of your choice after creating one. Check to see whether your VPN has a kill switch. By downloading it, you can make your own uTorrent client.

3. Does BitTorrent support VPN?

Is it possible to use BitTorrent with my VPN? Most VPN providers don’t mind using BitTorrent or P2P services while using their services. File sharing is not prohibited by any of our top-rated VPN services. Even services that support torrenting frequently have limitations.

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