AliExpress APP [Quick Fix]

AliExpress APP

AliExpress APP – Complete Guide.

How to: Change Language in AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, tap on the AliExpress icon to launch the app.
  2. After that, go to Account and click on the Settings icon.
  3. Now you must select a language. The English language is indicated by an arrow.
  4. Choose a language from the drop-down menu and hit it.
  5. Great!

For Windows users:

  1. Go to for further information.
  2. Select Language/Currency from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Language and then Language from the drop-down menu.
  4. Save to change the language.
  5. You did an excellent job! Your AliExpress account’s language has been successfully changed.

Mac OS X:

  1. To begin, go to AliExpress on your browser.
  2. Now, on the top bar, select Language/Currency from the drop-down menu.
  3. Choose a language.
  4. Select a language from the drop-down menu.
  5. To complete the process, click the Save option at the bottom of the pop-up window.
  6. Excellent! You now know how to change AliExpress’s language.

How to: Use Advanced Search Option in AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, go to AliExpress.
  2. In the second stage, you use a search engine to find the products you want.
  3. To find, tap on the magnifying glass.
  4. The Filter button is then pressed.
  5. Perfect! You can personalize your search options here.

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, go to in your browser.
  2. After that, type in the name of the item you wish to purchase.
  3. Under the search bar, you can see a variety of possibilities. Set a price range, arrange products by price (for example, from least to most expensive), select free shipping, and much more.
  4. Excellent! You now know how to use AliExpress’ advanced search options.

For iPhone/iPad:

  1. To begin, go to AliExpress.
  2. Type the name of the item you want to buy in the second step.
  3. Tap the Filter icon now.
  4. Perfect! You can personalize your search options here.

How to: Find the Most Popular Products in AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, open the AliExpress app on your device.
  2. Select Top Selection from the main menu’s middle panel.
  3. Great! You can now choose from a variety of top selection categories.

For iPhone/iPad:

  1. Open AliExpress on your phone first.
  2. Click Top Selection in the middle of the main menu page.
  3. Congratulations, you’ve progressed to the next page, where you can choose from a variety of top-rated categories.

How to: Make an Order on AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, tap on the AliExpress icon to launch the app.
  2. Then look for the item you want to buy.
  3. Then decide on a color.
  4. Continue by tapping the Continue button.
  5. Choose your shipping address. You can also alter the main address at any time.
  6. Choose a payment method.
  7. Select the payment method you want to use.
  8. After that, choose the quantity.
  9. To choose your shipment method, choose Free shipping.
  10. Then press the Apply button.
  11. To order a product, tap the Place order or Pay now option.
  12. Great! You may now purchase items on AliExpress!

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, visit
  2. After that, locate the item you wish to purchase.
  3. Then pick a color.
  4. After that, choose the quantity.
  5. Choose a delivery location. It has to be China in this case.
  6. To choose your shipping method, click Free shipping.
  7. Then select the Buy Now option.
  8. Please provide a shipping address. You can also alter the main address at any time.
  9. Confirm by clicking the button.
  10. Select a billing address.
  11. Select the payment method you want to use.
  12. If you select the Card option, enter your card information.
  13. Confirm by clicking the button.
  14. To order a product, tap the Place order or Pay now option.
  15. Success! You now know how to purchase AliExpress products.

For iPhone/iPad:

  1. To begin, go to AliExpress and log in.
  2. Then look for the item you want to buy.
  3. Click the Buy Now button.
  4. Then decide on a color.
  5. After that, choose the quantity.
  6. To choose your shipment method, choose Free shipping.
  7. Then press the Apply button.
  8. Continue by tapping the Continue button.
  9. Choose your shipping address. You can also alter the main address at any time.
  10. Set as default by entering an address and clicking the Set as default button.
  11. Choose a payment method.
  12. Select the payment method you want to use.
  13. To order a product, tap the Place order or Pay now option.
  14. Awesome! You may now purchase items on AliExpress!

How to: Change Currency on AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, launch the AliExpress app.
  2. Select Account and Settings from the drop-down menu.
  3. After that, go to Currency and choose it from the drop-down menu.
  4. You did an excellent job! The currency has been successfully updated.

For Windows users:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. The Language/Currency choice must be found and pressed here. Arrow points to the language change option.
  3. Click Currency in the third step.
  4. Now you must choose the currency that you want to use.
  5. Choose Save to confirm the changes.
  6. Nicely done.

How to: Change Credit Card in AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. Open the AliExpress app.
  2. Use this form to locate the items you require.
  3. Select the Find loupe icon.
  4. Now you must decide what you need to purchase.
  5. Select Buy Now after entering all shipping details.
  6. Go to the next step by pressing the Place order button.
  7. You may change your payment method here.
  8. You’ve successfully changed the Payment Method in AliExpress.

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, go to AliExpress on your browser.
  2. Use this form to locate the product you’re looking for.
  3. Locate the loupe icon and click it.
  4. You can begin your product search by clicking.
  5. Now that you’ve chosen your product and specifications, you can begin purchasing.
  6. Now you must fill out all of the shipping details.
  7. You may change your payment method here.
  8. You’ve successfully changed the Payment Method in AliExpress.
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For iPhone/iPad:

  1. Open the AliExpress app on your phone.
  2. Use this field to find what you’re looking for.
  3. Choose the Find loupe icon from the drop-down menu.
  4. You can now begin searching for the product you require.
  5. You can begin purchasing once you’ve chosen your product.
  6. Now you must fill out all of the shipping details.
  7. Select a payment method by tapping on it.
  8. You may change your payment method here.
  9. You’ve successfully changed the Payment Method in AliExpress.

Mac OS :

  1. To begin, open AliExpress in your browser.
  2. Use this field to find what you’re looking for.
  3. Locate the loupe icon and click it.
  4. You can begin your product search by clicking.
  5. Now that you’ve chosen your product and specifications, you can begin purchasing.
  6. Now you must fill out all of the shipping details.
  7. You may change your payment method here.
  8. You’ve successfully changed the Payment Method in AliExpress.

How to: Check Available Coupons on AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, tap Account Option in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the Coupons tab.
  3. You did an excellent job! From the list, you can now select the finest AliExpress coupon.

For Windows users:

  1. Go to for further information.
  2. In the right corner of the screen, click the Account Tab.
  3. Open the My Coupons option from the drop-down menu.
  4. Brilliant! You can now begin using AliExpress coupons that are currently available.

How to: Contact Support in AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, tap on the AliExpress icon to launch the app.
  2. Then pick the Account icon.
  3. At the very bottom of the screen, scroll down to Help Center.
  4. You can now choose a question or a product with which you’re experiencing trouble. The most popular questions, tools, and topics are displayed on this page. If you’re experiencing trouble with any of those selections, tap on one of them.
  5. You can also conduct a search for further solutions.
  6. Alternatively, you can scroll down and select the Online Service option.n
  7. Enter your question or select an option that you’re having trouble with.
  8. Great! You can now contact AliExpress Customer Service!

For Windows users:

  1. Go to as a first step.
  2. Then go to the Help tab.
  3. Select Customer Service from the drop-down menu.
  4. You can now choose a question or a product with which you’re experiencing trouble. The most popular queries, tools, and subjects are displayed.
  5. You may also look up questions and read FAQs (frequently asked questions).
  6. Alternatively, scroll down and select the Online Service option.
  7. Enter your question or select an option that you’re having trouble with.
  8. Excellent! You can now contact AliExpress Customer Service!

For iPhone/iPad:

  1. To begin, go to
  2. Then click on the Account icon.
  3. At the very bottom of the screen, scroll down to Help Center.
  4. You can now choose a question or a product with which you’re experiencing trouble. The most popular questions, tools, and topics are displayed on this page. If you’re experiencing trouble with any of those selections, tap on one of them.
  5. You can also use the search bar to look for questions.Arrow indicates to the search bar.
  6. Alternatively, you can scroll down and select the Online Service option.
  7. Enter your question or select an option that you’re having trouble with.
  8. Success! You can now contact AliExpress Customer Service!

How to: Create AliExpress Account

For Android users:

  1. To begin, locate and launch the AliExpress app.
  2. Go to the Account area as your next step.
  3. On this page, click the Sign In button.
  4. Select the Register button.
  5. Fill out the form with your email address and password.
  6. Finally, select Agree & Create Account from the drop-down menu.
  7. Excellent! The final step was to register a new AliExpress account, and now you know how to do it.

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, go to in your browser.
  2. On the main page, click Join to begin the registration process.
  3. Fill out the form in the pop-up window, enter your email address and password, and then click the CREATE ACCOUNT button.
  4. Excellent! You’ve made a brand-new AliExpress account! Registration on AliExpress was successful.

For iPhone/iPad:

  1. Tap on the AliExpress icon in the first step.
  2. Tap the Account icon in the second step, then click the Sign in button.
  3. Then, press the Register button.
  4. Your email address and password should be entered here. Then, on the Agree & Create Account option, confirm your agreement.
  5. Congratulations! You’ve completed the AliExpress sign-in process.

How to: Delete AliExpress Account

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, go to AliExpress and select Account.
  2. Select Account Settings from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Edit Settings from the Account Settings menu.
  4. Then select Edit Member Profile from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click the Deactivate Account button in the new tab.
  6. You must validate your account, so enter your email address or member ID, followed by the phrase “deactivate my account.” You should also include a reason for deactivating your AliExpress account.
  7. After that, select Deactivate My Account from the drop-down menu.
  8. Tap the OK button if you’re sure you want to delete your AliExpress account.
  9. Done! AliExpress has terminated your account.

How to: Download Photo from AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, open AliExpress on your device.
  2. Fill in the search field at the top with the items you require.
  3. Select what you require from the provided list.
  4. The next step is to tap on the image.
  5. After that, click the floppy disk symbol in the upper right corner.
  6. You must now provide AliExpress access to your device’s images, files, and media.
  7. You have successfully saved the AliExpress photo.

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, open AliExpress in your browser and type the name of the product you want to buy.
  2. Now choose a product that you’d like to purchase.
  3. Right-click on this product’s image and choose Save image as.
  4. Now choose a locale in which this image will be preserved.
  5. Fill in the blanks with the image’s name.
  6. Select All Files as the fyle type.
  7. To confirm, press the Save button.
  8. Success! Open the folder where you downloaded the image if you wish to check it.
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For iPhone/iPad:

  1. To begin, go to your desktop and click on the AliExpress icon.
  2. In the search bar, type the name of the item you’re looking for.
  3. From the list that has been opened, select the item that you require.
  4. Now, select the image you wish to save by clicking on it.
  5. After that, click the download icon in the upper right corner.
  6. Next, press on the Save picture button.
  7. Click OK to confirm the entire procedure.
  8. Excellent! On your smartphone, you have successfully downloaded a photo from AliExpress.

How to: Download Video from AliExpress

For Windows users:

  1. Go to for further information.
  2. Select the product that has a video in the description that you want to save.
  3. Right-click the video and choose Inspect Option from the drop-down menu.
  4. To open the search bar, use Ctrl + F on your keyboard.
  5. The next step is to type.mp4 into the search field.
  6. On the right side of the screen, the video link should be highlighted. Choose Open in a New Tab from the context menu when you right-click on it.
  7. After that, take a look at the video. It starts playing on its own.
  8. Right-click and select Save Video as Option from the drop-down menu.
  9. The next step is to confirm that you want to save the video by clicking the Save button.
  10. You did an excellent job! You have successfully downloaded a video from AliExpress.

How to: Empty Trash in AliExpress

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, click the Add to Cart button to add the desired item to the shopping cart.
  2. You should get a confirmation that you’ve added an item to your cart.
  3. By clicking on the Shopping Cart symbol at the top, you can access it.
  4. Next, select the item you want to remove from the shopping garbage and click the bin symbol next to it.
  5. Confirm that the item will be removed.
  6. You did an excellent job! You’ve successfully withdrawn an item from your AliExpress shopping cart that you didn’t want.

How to: Export CSV Data from AliExpress

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, you first install a browser extension. CSV Aliexpress should be typed into the search bar.
  2. Open the first website that comes up in the search.
  3. Then select Add to Chrome from the drop-down menu.
  4. The extension has been installed! Go to the AliExpress home page now.
  5. Now type the product’s name into a search engine.
  6. Select CSV export from the drop-down menu.
  7. After that, we’ll be able to open the document.
  8. Congratulation! AliExpress CSV File has been successfully exported.

How to: Search for Brand in AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, open the AliExpress app.
  2. Use this form to find the Brand you’re looking for.
  3. Select the Find loupe icon.
  4. When you type in the brand name, a list of products from that brand will appear.
  5. You’ve successfully learned how to search for a brand on AliExpress.

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, open AliExpress in your browser.
  2. Using this field, you can find the Brand you’re looking for.
  3. Locate the loupe icon and click it.
  4. After entering the brand name, you will be presented with a list of the brand’s products.
  5. You’ve figured out how to find brand items on AliExpress.

For iPhone/iPad:

  1. Open the AliExpress app.
  2. Use this form to find the Brand you’re looking for.
  3. Choose the Find loupe icon from the drop-down menu.
  4. If you paste the brand name, you’ll get a list of the brand’s items.
  5. Now you know where to look for a brand product on AliExpress.

How to: Log Out From AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, go to the right corner of the screen and select Account Option.
  2. To access the settings, click the Gear Symbol.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and click the Sign Out option.
  4. You did an excellent job! You have successfully logged out.

For Windows users:

  1. Go to for further information.
  2. In the right corner of the screen, select Account Tab.
  3. Select the Sign Out option from the drop-down menu.
  4. You did an excellent job! Your AliExpress account has been successfully logged out.

How to: Send Feedback to AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, go to the right corner of the screen and select Account Option.
  2. Open the tab labeled “To be reviewed.”
  3. Scroll through the list of orders and click the Leave Feedback option to review one product.
  4. Then give the product description a rating.
  5. Write down your thoughts on the transaction in a few words.
  6. Consider how satisfied you are with the seller’s communication.
  7. Calculate the delivery time.
  8. Submit your feedback by clicking the Submit Feedback button.
  9. Leave a rating for the AliExpress App in the Market App, or choose No, thanks.
  10. You did an excellent job! Your AliExpress order has received your feedback.

For Windows users:

  1. Go to for further information.
  2. In the right corner of the screen, click the Account Tab.
  3. Select My Orders from the drop-down menu.
  4. Next, select the order to evaluate from the list and click the Leave Feedback option next to it.
  5. Calculate how accurate the product description is.
  6. Examine your happiness with the store’s service and the delivery time.
  7. Write a few words to express your general impression on the product.
  8. To continue, click the Leave Feedback button one again.
  9. Brilliant! You’ve completed a feedback form for your AliExpress order.
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How to: Tracking on AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, go to the right corner of the screen and select Account Option.
  2. Select the Shipped tab.
  3. Choose the Tracking option.
  4. Select the option to view the history.
  5. You did an excellent job! You can now view the projected arrival time for all AliExpress orders.Master Reset APPS AliExpress

For Windows users:

  1. Go to for further information.
  2. In the right corner of the screen, click the Account Tab.
  3. Select My Orders from the drop-down menu.
  4. The next step is to locate the order in the list and click the Track Order button next to it.
  5. Take a look at the estimated delivery time.
  6. You did an excellent job! You can now quickly track the status of your AliExpress shipment.

How to: Turn Off Notification in AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, go to the right corner of the screen and select Account Option.
  2. To access the Settings, click the Gear Symbol.
  3. Open the Notifications menu.
  4. By clicking the red dot in the next step, you can turn off or enable AliExpress notifications.
  5. You did an excellent job! You’ve altered your notification preferences.

For Windows users:

  1. Go to for further information.
  2. In the right corner of the screen, click the Account Tab.
  3. Select My Orders from the drop-down menu.
  4. Next, select Account Settings from the drop-down menu.
  5. If you already have an account, log in and select the Access Now option.
  6. On the left, click Edit Settings.
  7. Select Email Notifications from the drop-down menu.
  8. Change the settings: click the red dot on the right side to enable or disable email notifications.
  9. Brilliant! You have successfully changed AliExpress Email Notification.

How to: Use Coupon on AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, open the AliExpress app.
  2. Select the item you wish to purchase.
  3. To activate the offer, click the Get Now button under the product name in the coupon area.
  4. You did an excellent job! If the coupon has already been activated or used, it will be greyed out.
  5. Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner to see the list of all coupons.AliExpressSettings
  6. Then choose the account item.
  7. We’re almost done! Select the coupon section in the upper right corner.
  8. That concludes our discussion. You can now see all of your active and inactive coupons in one place.

For Windows users:

  1. To begin, open AliExpress in your browser and then choose the product you wish to purchase. Under the product name, click the Use Coupon button.
  2. A window containing a coupon will open in front of you; click on Pick up to save and use it.
  3. It will turn grey if you have previously saved or used a coupon.
  4. Great! Go to the coupon area of your Account to see all of your coupons.
  5. Now select My Coupons from the drop-down menu.
  6. You’ll see a list of all of your stored coupons, both used and unused.

For iPhone/iPad:

  1. To begin, launch the AliExpress application.
  2. Now select the product that you wish to purchase.
  3. To activate the coupon, click the Get it Now button under the product name in the coupon area.
  4. Great! If the coupon has already been activated or used, it will be greyed out.
  5. Then, in the upper right corner, click on three vertical dots to access a list of all coupons.
  6. Choose the Account option.
  7. Wonderfull! In the upper right corner, go to the Coupons area.
  8. That’s all there is to it! You can now see all of your active and inactive coupons in one place.

How to: Wipe Cache AliExpress

For Android users:

  1. To begin, launch the AliExpress app.
  2. Go to the Account option and tap on the Settings icon in the second step.
  3. Find and pick the Clear Cache option here.
  4. Wait a few seconds and the process will be completed.
  5. Excellent! You’ve successfully cleared AliExpress’s cache.

Reasons why you might need to hard reset APPS AliExpress?

  1. AliExpress’s apps are too slow.
  2. Reset and disable a forgotten password or pattern for your screen lock.
  3. It’s possible that this will help with hang-ups and freezing issues.
  4. It’s possible to fix unexpected application crashes.
  5. Wipes personal data from a phone before selling it or purchasing one.
  6. AliExpress APPS will revert to their default functioning.
  7. Hanging Issues with AliExpress Apps

Is It Safe to Format Factory Reset APPS AliExpress?

Using one of the hard reset methods available on APPS AliExpress is safe and should have no adverse effects on the device (clearing all data and reinstalling the default setting).

What should I do before performing a hard reset on APPS AliExpress?

First and foremost, make a backup of all the files you don’t want to lose (do it using your computer or a SD card). Backing up apps on APPS AliExpress is not recommended because they could be the cause of your device’s malfunction. Install them one by one after the hard reset, keeping an eye on the reactions of your AliExpress APPS.

After you’ve stored all of your personal information, remove it to avoid inadvertent formatting during the hard reset process.

I have performed a Factory Data Reset on APPS AliExpress. Do I need to update the system again?

You don’t have it. The software on your AliExpress APPS will not be affected by the hard reset and will function normally.

What gets deleted from APPS AliExpress during a hard reset?

All user data and customer settings will be deleted if you perform a hard reset on AliExpress APPS (anything that was not originally there). After this procedure, your device will look just how it did when it left the store.


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