Instagram Testing Changes to Allow More Users to Use Links in Stories

Instagram Testing Changes to Allow More Users to Use Links in Stories

Hey Instagram, we are testing a new sticker that will allow users to link to more stories.

The option is currently only available to accounts that meet certain requirements on social networks, such as more than 10,000 followers and a verified account.

The platform will offer a “drag up” option and a linked card to all its users. It will include polls, location stickers, and songs.

To visit the website, you will need to only touch the card. This option will also respond with links within stories. This is unlike “drag ups.”

G1Instagram has confirmed that they are experimenting with a limited number of users.

“We know that more people want to share important things on Instagram. So we are testing the ‘Links sticker with a small number of people. This allows them to add external links to their stories. According to the network,

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The platform didn’t say whether the test was being done with Brazilian users.

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