Woodbury County participating in new emergency alert system

Woodbury County participating in new emergency alert system

SIOUX CITY (KCAU), Iowa – Woodbury County will switch to a new emergency notification network on June 30.

A Woodbury County Emergency Management press release states that a new alert system called Alert Iowa will be used to send out emergency notifications throughout the state via text, voice call, email, and social media.

Alert Iowa will be available starting June 30. Officials have provided the following instructions to assist Iowa residents in signing up for the new system.

  • Register for an account at the Woodbury County web portal
  • Get the Smart911 app for Android or Apple from the Google Play Store.
  • To receive all Woodbury County alerts, text WoodburyIA at 672-83
  • To opt in to the community’s notifications, text “your city” followed with “IA” and to 672-83. MovilleIA
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