6 Fast Ways to Browse the Web Without a Mouse


Not owning a mouse should not keep you from surfing the internet. These programs and extensions are created for keyboard-based browsing.

While often it requires a little bit of training to familiarize yourself with and get proficient with mouse-less personal computer usage, the attempt could be well worth your time. Any data entry employee or software programmer will tell you keyboard, and keyboard shortcuts let you accomplish tasks using far more speed than using a mouse. Now we will take a look at how to use that doctrine on your online browsing.

An Intro To Mouse-Less Browsing

Someone unfamiliar with it could be mistaken: how can you follow hyperlinks with no mouse to click on these? Many mouse-less options overlay each clickable thing on a page with a distinctive”tip,” which is a temporary keyboard shortcut that lets you click the merchandise.

Rest assured, however, that when the hints do not work, the majority of these programs and extensions will still permit you to use a mouse if you require it.

We will first pay a couple of extensions available for popular browsers; then, we will explore some alternate browsers created primarily for surfing with no mouse. All are free, and many are open source.

1. Vimium

Calling itself”the cookie’s browser,” Vimium is a free extension for both Chrome and among the most common Vim-based computer browsing utilities.

Vimium and many other applications we are taking a look at now will state they’re based on or motivated by Vim, a command-line text editor used primarily by programmers. First published in 1991 for the Amiga, Vim has since noticed cross-platform growth that lasts to this day, and its influence remains elusive.

If you have not used command-line text editors such as Vim before, utilizing Vimium might require a little practice. Vimium’s website includes a brief video presentation if you are interested in the encounter.

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If you are a Firefox user and need to test Vimium, there is an accessible called Vimium-FF.

Download: Vimium for Chrome (Free)

2. Tridactyl

Tridactyl Is like Vimium but only an extension for Firefox. It is intended to emulate Vimperator, a keyboard-based Firefox extension that is no more compatible with Firefox’s most recent versions.

If you are a web programmer, Tridactyl may interest you with its HTML development resources. It is entirely customizable, too, letting you incorporate your controls or edit Tridactyl’s regular commands.

To begin using it immediately, kind f while seeing a page, and tips will pop up as small red icons. Sort the information you see on the hyperlink or thing you need to click on, and Tridactyl will connect it to you. Accomplishing tasks such as entering text-input style and browsing tabs may take a bit more time to become accustomed to. However, the trick function is a fantastic introduction.

Download: Tridactyl for Firefox (Free)

3. DeadMouse

the dead mouse is a free Chrome extension that requires a slightly different strategy than Vimium and Tridactyl. As opposed to creating unique hints for every link on the webpage, DeadMouse permits you to begin typing the text from the link that you would like to click, along with the extension will attempt to spot the connection using a wiggle cartoon. You may then hit Enter to click it or Tab to proceed to the next nearest game.

If this sounds confusing, DeadMouse’s site permits you to test it without installing it, and you will see it is a straightforward method of keyboard-based browsing.

Some may believe DeadMouse’s procedure is more intuitive than other extensions, where the generated hints aren’t exact representations of the hyperlinks they are highlighting. Obviously, a significant number of links you experience and use online are icons or pictures, not text, and DeadMouse may not deal with those properly.

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Since it does not have as many attributes as other choices on this listing, you may choose DeadMouse in case you do not consider yourself any user, and you need the option to pick text hyperlinks when it is convenient quickly.

Download: DeadMouse for Chrome (Free)

4. Qutebrowser

Qutebrowser is a free and open-source browser designed from the spirit of Vimprobable, yet another Vim-based browser that is no more in development.

Like other Vim-based extensions and plugins, you have to input overlapping and tips to follow the display’s hyperlinks, as shown in the photograph.

Qutebrowser additionally has quite a minimal interface, so to get many features, like downloads and bookmarks, you have to enter the right command. You will also find it exceptionally customizable, though you have to be ready to edit files.

If you are using it for your first time, the qutebrowser provides a free class designed for you proficient in its commands and shortcuts, or maybe you consult with the official crucial binding cheat sheet.

Download: qutebrowser for Windows | macOS | Linux (Free)

5. EdBrowse

Initially written by visually-impaired programmer Karl Dahlke, Edbrowse is exceptional in this listing as the sole command-line browser. That means it permits one too, through the terminal, navigates the online line-by-line.

If this sounds slow and awkward, that is as it’s –initially. But if you have some opportunity to learn its interface and commands, you might change your mind about that.

As Karl describes in the consumer manual, most men and women use their eyes to scan sites to sort and access their desired information. Edbrowse’s commands offload that work out of the eyes to your PC. If you have used the frequent Ctrl + F shortcut to quickly find a particular word for the duration on a webpage, it functions.

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Although being terminal-based, Edbrowse does support JavaScript, and also the GitHub wiki contains guides for utilizing Edbrowse to get Facebook, Twitter, as well as YouTube. You might even use Edbrowse to automate web tasks, like form and email entry.

Download: EdBrowse for Windows | macOS | Linux

6. Lynx

If you would like a terminal-based browser that visually leaves sites, functions on keyboard controls, and uses minimal bandwidth, then you may start looking into Lynx. There’s zero JavaScript service, so if you would like to do more than just read a text, you may need to look elsewhere.

You might be asking how Lynx may be helpful to anybody. It is useful if you navigate a good deal of host files or whether you’re using a”headless” operating system (such as Ubuntu Server) with minimal if any graphic capabilities. Furthermore, when you’ve got access to a very restricted online bandwidth, Lynx utilizes a considerably smaller quantity relative to what you’d use, obtaining precisely the very same sites using a conventional browser.

Lynx is free and open-source, and its programmers have been actively advancing it because of the 1990s. Therefore, even though it does not do many things contemporary browsers perform, you can trust it is achieving its objectives and functions to the maximum level possible.

Download: Lynx for Windows | macOS | Linux (Free)

Get Around the internet With only a Computer Keyboard.

You will find far more mouse-less browsing options, though many are defunct projects (frequently the inspiration for people we did cite ) or are extensions that just work with older browsers. Some are still somewhat popular. However, we did not pay them because surfing the net with non-updated software is harmful.

If you would like to create your workflow more efficient, then there are loads of methods to more effectively use your computer’s keyboard, beyond net browsing.