100+ Keyboard Shortcuts for Notion for Windows and Mac

100+ Keyboard Shortcuts for Notion for Windows and Mac

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The notion is a one-stop-shop for taking notes, managing projects, adding tasks, creating databases, and more. You can use Notion for both personal and team purposes. This application has several functions that allow you to create, plan, collaborate, and organize all simultaneously.

Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time and boost your productivity. Make use of these keyboard shortcuts to make working on Notion more convenient.

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Shortcuts for the Notion Keyboard on Windows and Mac

Ctrl + Shift + N Cmd + Shift + N Open a new Notion window
Ctrl + [ Cmd + [ Go forward a page
Ctrl + ] Cmd + ] Go back a page
Ctrl + P Cmd + P Open Search / Jump to a recently viewed page
Ctrl + Shift + L Cmd + Shift + L Switch dark mode / light mode
Ctrl + N Cmd + N Create a new page (desktop only)
Ctrl + B Cmd + B Bold text
Ctrl + I Cmd + I Italicize text
Ctrl + U Cmd + U Underline text
Ctrl + Shift + S Cmd + Shift + S Strike-through text
Tab Tab Indent
Shift + Tab Shift + Tab Un-indent
Ctrl + E Cmd + E Inline code
Ctrl + K Cmd + K Add a link (with text selected)
Ctrl + V Cmd + V Paste over a link (with text selected)
Ctrl + Shift + 0 Cmd + Option + 0 Create text
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Cmd + Option + 1 Create an H1 heading
Ctrl + Shift + 2 Cmd + Option + 2 Create an H2 heading
Ctrl + Shift + 3 Cmd + Option + 3 Create an H3 heading
Ctrl + Shift + 4 Cmd + Option + 4 Create a to-do checkbox
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Cmd + Option + 5 Create a bullet list
Ctrl + Shift + 6 Cmd + Option + 6 Create a numbered list
Ctrl + Shift + 7 Cmd + Option + 7 Create a toggle list
Ctrl + Shift + 8 Cmd + Option + 8 Create a code block
Ctrl + Shift + 9 Cmd + Option + 9 Create a new page
Enter Enter Insert a line of text
Shift + Enter Shift + Enter Create a line break within a block of text
Ctrl + Shift + M Cmd + Shift + M Create a comment
Create a divider
/text /text Creates a new text block
/page /page Creates a new page
/bullet /bullet Creates a bulleted list
/num /num Creates a numbered list
/todo /todo Creates a to-do list with checkboxes
/toggle /toggle Creates a toggle list
/div /div Creates a light gray divider
/quote /quote Creates a quote block of larger text
/h1 /h1 Creates a large heading
/h2 /h2 Creates a medium-sized heading
/h3 /h3 Creates a small heading
/link /link Creates a link to another page in your workspace
Esc Esc Clears the / menu
/code /code Creates a code block
/file /file Upload any file from the computer or create an embed
/embed /embed Add any one of the 500+ embeds that work with Notion
/image /image Upload or embed image
/pdf /pdf Upload or embed PDF
/book /book Add a bookmark
/video /video Upload or embed video
/audio /audio Upload or embed audio
/mention /mention Mention a page or a person within workspace
/reminder /reminder Add a timestamp or reminder
/equation /equation Add a TeX formula in line with your text
/emoji /emoji Show emoji picker
/table-inline /table-inline Creates a database table inside the current page
/list-inline /list-inline Creates a list-style database inside the current page
/board-inline /board-inline Creates a Kanban board inside the current page
/calendar-inline /calendar-inline Creates a calendar inside the current page
/gallery-inline /gallery-inline Creates a gallery inside the current page
/timeline-inline /timeline-inline Creates a timeline inside the current page
/linked /linked Creates a linked database
/comment /comment Comment on any block
/moveto /moveto Move a block to another page
/delete /delete Delete the current block
/duplicate /duplicate Duplicate the current block
/toc /toc Create a table of contents
/bread /bread Create a breadcrumb button-group
/template /template Create a template button
/math /math Write mathematical equations and symbols
Ctrl + + Cmd + + Zoom In
Ctrl + – Cmd + – Zoom Out
Esc Esc Select or clear the block
Ctrl + A Cmd + A Select the block with the cursor
Space Space Open an image in full screen
Arrow Keys Arrow Keys Move between the blocks
Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down Expand
Alt + Shift + Click Cmd + Shift + Click Select or unselect a block
Shift + Click Shift + Click Select all block between two selected blocks
Backspace Backspace Delete the selected block
Ctrl + D Cmd + D Duplicate the selected block
Enter Enter Edit the highlighted text
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys Cmd + Shift + Arrow Keys Move the selected block
Ctrl + / Cmd + / Change type, color, edit or duplicate one or more blocks
Ctrl + Shift + H Cmd + Shift + H Use the last text or highlight color you used
Ctrl + Alt + T Cmd + Option + T Expand or close all the toggles in a toggle list
Type @ and another workspace member’s name Type @ and another workspace member’s name Mention a person
Type @ and the name of another page in your workspace Type @ and the name of another page in your workspace Mention a page
Type @ and a date in any format Type @ and a date in any format Mention a date
Type @remind followed by a date in any format Type @remind followed by a date in any format Add a reminder
Type ** on either side of the text Type ** on either side of the text Bold
Type * or _ on either side of the text Type * or _ on either side of the text Italicize
Type ` on either side of the text Type ` on either side of the text Inline code
Type ~ on either side of the text Type ~ on either side of the text Strike-through
– followed by space – followed by space Bullet list
[] followed by space [] followed by space Checkbox
1., a., or i. followed by space 1., a., or i. followed by space Numbered list
# followed by space # followed by space Create an H1 heading
## followed by space ## followed by space Create an H2 heading
### followed by space ### followed by space Create an H3 heading
> followed by space > followed by space Toggle list
” followed by space ” followed by space Quote block
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With Notion, You Can Boost Your Productivity.

Notion is much more than a text editor. Notion has a simple design and several features that might help you increase your productivity. You can utilize templates for practically any task you wish to complete using Notion. It has everything you need to keep track of your tasks in one location.


I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the form below.

User Questions:

1. What is the purpose of Notion?

It assists users in organizing their work by allowing them to plan tasks, manage files, save documents, make reminders, keep agendas, and organize their work. Because it supports LaTeX, Notion allows you to write and paste equations in the form of blocks or inline. In addition, Embed.ly allows users to include internet content in their Notion pages.

2. Is Notion beneficial or harmful?

The fundamental issue is that Notion is excessively reactive in a negative sense, owing to its block-oriented design, which is a lousy notion in and of itself. Writing this piece on Indie Hackers is more enjoyable than writing anything on Notion. The text blocks are likewise difficult to read.

3. What does it mean when Notion says I’m offline?

Offline, Notion works, but not flawlessly. The main problem using Notion offline is that if you don’t preload the pages, you won’t access them. However, the notion has stated that they are working on it and would be a top priority in the upcoming major release.

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4. The desktop version of Notion would not load (windows)

Notion desktop wont’load (windows) from Notion

5. I’m using the Windows version of the idea. Are these compatible with your device?

I am using notion windows version. Do these work on your device? from Notion